Three Times I Heard Jesus

Men of Courage,

Over the last few week Jesus has been talking to me about a lot of things. Now this may sound a bit freaky for guys who don’t know much about God talking to them… but my heart says I ought to share with you my experience.

When I was reading Proverbs 8 yesterday getting ready for my men’s bible study, I could not break away from the idea of how often God speaks to us and yet we don’t listen, don’t hear Him, or sometimes just choose to ignore Him outright. The words I most often hear Him say are, “Don’t say that.” But what do I do? I say it anyway. Rrrrr

Recently I came home from a KOZ training and my wife showed me two lounge chairs she had purchased. They were used but in great condition, and at a steal of a price. I was standing there ready to be mad about the money, and that is when Jesus spoke in my heart, “Do not say anything mean or under-handed.” I immediately thought, “Did we really need two big ‘ole chairs, and you really had a secret big chair fund, oh, you used some of our reserve funds, really.” I was so ready to just pop-a-cork. Then Jesus pushed in a bit, “She loves taking care of the house. Is it really that big of a deal? Can you enjoy the chairs, maybe?” So I said, “Those are nice, they match the couch and they are comfortable.” Then it was silence. I think she was taken back that I did not do the usual “scorched earth rant.” Later that night she told me thank you, that she loves me and the lounge chairs. Jesus was teaching me.

He also talked to me one day during the recent trainings. There were 15 men from the church in the room. One of them came up to me before we started and said, “I have a word for you… proud. Jesus just said ‘proud’.” Wow. Weeks of travel, long hours, highly emotional content in the trainings, and Jesus just wanted to tell me He was proud. I am still operating in an amazing place from that one word. Oh how every man, boy, and child wants to hear their father say, “I am proud of you”. Thank you, Jesus. He was loving on me.

Lastly, He spoke to me today through a Ransomed Heart Ministries podcast. A woman was talking and said, “I have been arrogant in my study of the bible the last few years. I read it, feel as if I understand it, maybe underline a few things, then move on. But I have not stayed in it, emotionally invested in the love of my Father in His Word.” I was convicted that my heart was not committed to my reading. I want to honor the bible, and when I read it I want to enjoy and spend time there. He was training me.

Men, Jesus talks to us all the time. He loves to have conversations with us; the Holy Spirit likes to guide us along the trail, all the time. But we have to be listening.

Do you have something on your heart that He has been talking to you about for a while? Maybe about reading your bible, loving your wife better, taking the TV out of your bedroom, or not having your phone on when you come home from work? Did He talk to you about starting a KOZ group, or sharing the gospel with someone, and you just keep putting it off? Did you know He was talking to you?

Stand strong, men. Remember… the knight with the shiniest armor has not been in the fight.

God Bless,

TJ Greaney
Founder, KOZ

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