Outdoor Adventure Ministry for Boys


The Death Slide Down the Mountain
I wondered for a long time why I loved the mountains so much. I think about them, long to go there, look at pictures and

5 Fall Tips for KOZ Leaders
Well, you would not think it was close to fall here in Smithville, Texas. 100 plus temps still rolling in. Now it is not uncommon

The Longing of Every Boy’s Heart and Wild Colts (The Father’s Day blog for 2023)
When I was little, my dad nicknamed me Cowboy. Although I was raised an asphalt cowboy in the city of Houston, Texas, somewhere inside I

Dear mom. A letter to you from a former troubled boy.
I can’t image how my mom felt when I came up the stairs from the basement, wild eyed, and with everything I owned. She opened

Father’s Day is the Best and Worst Day for a Boy and a Man
I had no idea who Terry Moyer was before I met him and to this day I haven’t been able to find him again. He

Saved by the Cold Rain
The weather report was for cold and drizzle a short time on Friday, maybe Saturday for an hour. Turned out it lasted all night Friday