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Outdoor Adventure Ministry for Boys

KOZ Mission Statement

KOZ is an Outdoor Adventure Ministry that provides boys with men as mentors to help direct and train them in outdoor skills and becoming a Godly man.

KOZ Vision

KOZ sees a world where every boy has a man or group of men to help him navigate the masculine journey into manhood and a relationship with Jesus.

KOZ Values

Biblical Masculinity

Every boy needs a man to train him to be the man God has uniquely created him to be.

Outdoor Skill Training

Young men need to know they can care for themselves and their family. We have found that outdoor skills training fit that need.

Men Need a Mission

Every man longs to feel he has a purpose, a mission in life. KOZ gives men the tools and ability to embrace a personal and collective purpose for Jesus in the fatherless and biblical manhood crisis.


KOZ provides fathers a place to be intentional with their son in manhood training. It also offers them an opportunity to do ministry work together.

KOZ IS A men's MINISTRY with a mission

KOZ provides men of your church with training and curriculum to mentor boys using outdoor adventure.

The training is done by streaming video at the host church. The training includes a one-and-a-half hour section with the leaders and their wives. The second is a 5-hour section with workbook for the men. Once trained, the men are certified as KOZ Harvest Team Leaders (Outdoor mentors).

After training, the men plan their monthly meetings/adventures with the boys based on the monthly curriculum provided.

Today, over 40% of the boys in our nation do not have a dad living at home. The lack of this male role model has created a dramatic increase in drug use, school drop-out, pregnancy, and more. The average kid also spends 40 minutes a week outside, 70 hours in front of a screen. This trend is creating an unhealthy mental, physical, and spiritual population among our boys today. It is at catastrophic levels. However, every socioeconomic, health, and mental statistic improves substantially when a boy receives a mentor. 

Boys are drawn in by the outdoor adventure and training by an adult man. Every boy truly is “Wild at Heart.” This internal longing fits perfectly with the KOZ program.

The KOZ leader’s ability to share the love of Jesus and a Heavenly Father changes the boys. In an outdoor setting boys are more attentive and can focus on the time with their KOZ leader and the gift of knowing Jesus.

The KOZ training dives deep into all these elements of ministry for the men of the church and the boys of our world. CLICK HERE for more info on starting a KOZ group.

SCRIPTURAL MANDATE.  Proverbs 22:6, Psalms 68:5, Psalms 82:3, Deut. 27:19, Psalms 146:9, James 1:27, James 2:14-17, 2 Tim 2:2, Matt. 28:19-20, Psalms 145:4


Some of our most commonly answered questions are answered here:

KOZ IS AN OUTDOOR MINISTRY FOR BOYS.  KOZ provides men of your church with training and curriculum to mentor boys using outdoor adventure.

KOZ is available for a group of men at any evangelical protestant church. To see our statement of faith and guidelines go HERE. The church must align with these basic Christian doctrines and there must be a willing group of men.

Statistic tell us that kids today spend 40 minutes a week outside, 70 hours a week looking at a screen on some type of electronics. Many men are bound inside because of their jobs. We know that time outdoors is not only healthy but it is a crucial element that Jesus, His Father and the Holy Spirit use to teach life and heart skills. It is a win, win for God, the outdoors and those who choose to “walk uneven ground.”

Every boys finds their stride in KOZ. Many “inside boys” dearly need and want to be taught the outdoor lessons but don’t know how, are afraid of the new experience or have not been encouraged and supported to “try outside.” KOZ’s motto is “No Kid Left Inside.”

The KOZ program began because of the need for fatherless boys to have male role models. Today boys of all backgrounds come and share in the outdoor adventures, God’s message and the friendships that come from the outdoor experiences.

We’ve seen moms, dads, siblings, and even grandparents affected by a boy getting mentoring and discipleship from a group of KOZ men on Saturday morning outdoor adventures.  The outdoors and the mentoring combine for a beautiful and natural Ritalin that focuses and calms a boy’s heart.  This calming and healing effect impacts who he is with his family.

The outside is a place every boy comes from, it is deep and real and true. Take away the electronics, the peer pressure, the false fronts and they are open to God through the outdoors. Boys and the men are designed for outdoor expression, movement and hands on learning.

“It’s a sin to bore a kid with the gospel.” Jim Rayborn Jr., Founder of Young Life.

KOZ is mono-gender – men and boys. A boy needs a Christian man to learn how to become a Godly man. Boys learn biblical masculinity. It is our vision to help this generation of boys become Godly men that will lead and love their future wives and children well.

KOZ is for boys 8 – 18 years old. The curriculum does not work well with the boys under 8 years old. We’ve seen amazing things happen in boys who had to “wait” to be old enough to participate.

No. KOZ is not a place where volunteers get to hunt and fish while on outings. Leaders and volunteers are discouraged to be the hunter or fisherman when with the boys. The focus on all outings with the boys is  the boys.

KOZ provides certified training for the men at each church. Each group should be lead by a certified trained KOZ adult. Each volunteer is encouraged to train at some point but this does not mean that ever volunteer is trained. Each church assumes responsibility of their KOZ group leaders, volunteers and their program.

The kids who come to KOZ do not have to belong to the host church. As a matter of fact, they don’t have to go to church at all to come to a KOZ group. It is not and should not be used a recruitment tools for specific churches. Requiring KOZ kids to attend a specific church or church in general is a violation of KOZ guidelines. However, the KOZ leaders would love to have them!

The kids who come to KOZ do not have to belong to the host church. As a matter of fact, they don’t have to go to church at all. It is not and should not be used as a recruitment tool for specific churches. Requiring KOZ kids to attend a specific church or any church is a violation of the KOZ guidelines. Obviously, the KOZ leaders would love to have them!

Sure. The default way to train is to utilize the “Start a Group” page on our website and utilize the videos in Step 4, after you’ve registered and paid for your church. The videos and the manuals work well together and you and your men simply go through the training together (approximately 6 hours). However, if you would like a KOZ staff member to come to your church to train your men, you will need to pay for travel, and per diem. This would be scheduled by contacting KOZ National Office at 512-292-1113.

KOZ Statement of Faith and Foundation


We believe that there is one true, perfect God. God eternally exists as one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary. He lived a perfect, sinless life on earth and was obedient to God the Father. He voluntarily paid the price for the sins of all people by dying on the cross as our substitute. After His death, He was raised to life with a glorified body and appeared to His disciples as the person who was with them before His crucifixion. Jesus then ascended into heaven and is now at the right hand of God where He is the only mediator between God and man.

Holy Spirit

Once we enter into a personal relationship with God, through faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to permanently reside (indwell) within each believer. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and is thus fully and eternally God. The role of the Holy Spirit is helping us understand the Bible, convicting us of wrong and sin, giving us confidence in God, and enabling us to help others.

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word to us. The Bible was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is in essence, God’s manual for our lives.


We believe that salvation is the major theme of God’s revelation in the Bible. In the Bible, we discover that throughout history man has been made right with God on the basis of faith. In the Old Testament, this faith looked forward to the coming of Christ, who would provide the ultimate payment for sin. Because of His great love for us, God provided forgiveness and eternal life through his Son, Jesus. When a person places their faith in Jesus Christ as the forgiver of their sins, they receive salvation as a free gift. This is the most important decision we will ever make in our life.

The Church

The result of accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is that we become a part of His body, or “the Church” universal. The Church universal is not limited by denominations, but is limited only by whether or not we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ.


T.J. Greaney
Founder of KOZ

TJ Greaney is a proud 4th generation Texan born in the bayou city, Houston, Texas. He is an author, award-winning outdoor travel and adventure writer, co-host of The Outdoor Zone radio show and past President of the Texas Outdoor Writers Association. He published a Texas lifestyle magazine with his wife Sandra for more than 25 years from their former home in Austin, Texas.

In 2009 he founded KOZ, Kids Outdoor Zone, in his small church, Fellowship, in South Austin, Texas. The program has since grown across America, Canada and Eastern Europe. The mission of the KOZ is, “A men’s ministry with a mission. The fatherless boy and father/sons in the community and church.” He is involved daily working with KOZ leaders, creating materials, fundraising and mentoring.

TJ is married to Sandra, and they live on a small hobby farm near Smithville, Texas. They have 3 kids, Cody, Taylor, and Jon-Michael. Together they have a whole corral of grandbabies that rule the roost. If you ask TJ his passions he would tell you, Jesus, his family including dear friends, the ministry of KOZ, writing, coffee, hiking in the cool air of the mountains and hanging out at the ranch, any ranch.

KOZ Workshop/Presentation with TJ Greaney @ Montana Baptist Annual Meeting. Click Here.

TJ Greaney/LIVE recorded presentation at Woodbine Church, Pace, Florida. Click Here.

Boys to Men: Guiding the Next Generation of Males to MANhood with TJ Greaney: Click Here.

Listen to the TJ Greaney/KOZ Interview on the 200 Churches Podcast: Click Here.

Rick Magee
Chief Of Operations

Rick is a Jesus loving outdoorsman raised by a single mom in rural Mississippi.  He graduated from Mississippi State University with a bachelor’s degree in Forest Products and later in life earned a master’s degree from Liberty University Seminary.  In 2003, God called Rick into full time ministry which began a 15-year journey as a Men’s and Administrative Pastor at Hyland Heights Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA.

Rick’s wife Martha is a registered nurse, homeschool mom, and now serves as Groups Coordinator for KOZ.  After 8 years of infertility, they adopted their three sons: Ethan, Caleb, and Josh.  Their oldest son, Ethan, lives and works in Hawaii with his wife (Rani) and daughter (Emery), Caleb is a buyer for a crane company in Raleigh, NC, and Josh, who lives in Roanoke, VA, is an airplane mechanic and an Army Reservist.

Rick’s passions include Jesus, family, his weekly men’s bible study, a bow stand in October, and the deck of a fishing boat just about any time of the year.  And since 2018, Rick has been involved in the daily operations, planning, recruiting & encouraging men, and fundraising for Kids Outdoor Zone where he serves as the Chief of Operations.

Sandra L. Greaney
wife to T.J.
Director of events & development

Sandra loves being involved in any and every aspect of KOZ. From organizing special events to speaking with the wives of the men serving, it’s all a joy to her.

On her off time, Sandra likes to go hiking with her husband T.J., playing board games, cooking with their adult children, spending time with her long time girlfriends, and of course having fun with her grand-babies and grand-dogs!

Her heart’s passion is to show the love of Christ to those around her and when available the KOZ boys!

Nicole Greaney
Technology & Project manager

Nicole Greaney has been part of KOZ for over 10 years and loves everything about it!

She brings a high level of knowledge and experience in nonprofit and corporate marketing, events, database management, fundraising and more.

Nicole is married to Cody Ryan Greaney, the son of TJ, and they have a beautiful little girl. Nicole loves Jesus, life on the farm, spending time with family and friends, singing, hunting, fishing, and visiting small town coffee shops.

Angie gagnon
executive administrative assistant

In 2020, Angie and her husband, Gary, moved to Texas from South Carolina and have enjoyed learning and growing in the community.  In 2021 Angie joined the KOZ team and serves as Administrative Assistant for the ministry.  Her heart is to serve the Lord and others. Having been raised in a single-family home, Angie understands the need for a ministry like Kids Outdoor Zone. 

On her off time she likes to serve the homeless and enjoys playing board games!

KOZ Groups coordinator

Martha has been a champion of KOZ for many years. As a former pastor’s wife, KOZ wife, and KOZ mom, she has had the joy of witnessing first-hand the eternal impact that KOZ has in the lives of boys, their families, and in the men that step up to join the rescue. After a career in nursing, homeschooling their 3 boys, and working as an Academic Advisor for Nursing at Liberty University, Martha officially joined the KOZ Team in April 2022.

From hiking, fishing, and camping to gardening or hunting for seashells by the ocean, being outdoors is most definitely Martha’s happy place. Martha loves spending time with her adult children and being “Mo Mo” to her adorable granddaughter, Emery!

tina burr, general store manager
& Rick burr, facilities manager

Tina and Rick have been faithful supporters of KOZ since the inception! Together as a couple they enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, working out, gardening and raising backyard chickens. 

 Individually, Tina has been volunteering at KOZ National for several years in the merchandise store, praying over each item that is sent out to groups, men, wives and boys. She also volunteers during KOZ National events and serves on the prayer team. Needless to say, we are so very grateful for her!
Rick serves as the volunteer Facilities Manager at KOZ National. He fixes everything that breaks and is known as a master at following directions when there is something that needs to be put together. He also graciously fills in for Tina when she is called out of town to take care of the grandchildren. 
They both love Jesus and it shows in everything they do and say.
