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The Morning Heart – A Warning to Men

The mornings are a time of sacred quiet for me. It may sound like I have this ideal spot I go, a big soft chair in front of a huge glass window overlooking a mountain peak. Elk wandering about, blue skies above. No, it’s an old chair I found at a garage sale I like and my little office is full of clutter and disorganization. But it is a good place where I go to read my bible, think and pray.

A lot of time as I sit here my heart begins to be drawn to questions like, how can I love my wife better. I have a deep desire to be the man I know I should be and even more important the man she needs me to be. I have grand thoughts and even ideas, things I should say, things I could do to bring her joy. Then the day gets going, I pick up my cell phone and begin checking emails and social media. For the most part my heart changes to busy and not so humble. I have a lot of work to do in this area.

1 Peter 3:7, Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

I was talking to a young man I mentor recently and asked him about his family. His mom and dad were married just a few days. His dad had and has been married multiple times. He finally met his dad when he was 15 in a court battle for child support. I pressed him for who was the man in his life that he would consider his mentor and he said his grandfather. He loved his grandfather. “He was married to my grandma since they were young,” he told me proudly. Then he said the most incredible thing.

“My grandma is amazing. We tell her all the time she should consider getting remarried, that she has a lot to offer and some guy would be blessed to have her. He told me she always replies the same way, “No, your grandfather was the love of my life. Always was and always will be. I have no interest in looking for another.”

What my heart hears, and listening to your heart matters, is that his grandfather loved his grandmother really well. He finished strong. I want to be that quality of man. I want my wife to say, “He was the love of my life. He cared for me well. He knew and heard, and cared for my heart.”

If you are married, you have no greater responsibility after your relationship with God than with your wife. This is the big one.

Valentine’s Day. I have heard, “It’s just a day Hallmark has worked up to get our money. My wife and I don’t do Valentine’s Day.” Guys, do you not understand the heart of EVERY woman, girl?

“Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to be the Beauty of the story. Those desires are far more than child’s play. They are the secret to the feminine heart. And yet—how many women do you know who ever find that life? As the years pass by, the heart of a woman gets pushed aside, wounded, buried. She finds no romance except in novels, no adventure except on television, and she doubts very much that she will ever be the Beauty in any tale. Most women think they have to settle for a life of efficiency and duty, chores and errands, striving to be the women they “ought” to be but often feeling they have failed. Sadly, too many messages for Christian women add to the pressure. “Do these ten things, and you will be a godly woman.”The effect has not been good on the feminine soul.” John & Staci Eldredge, Captivating.

Men, we have a chance to rescue the beauty. Do not let Satan win this argument. I don’t care who created the idea of Valentine’s Day. This is a great opportunity for you to ride in on your white stallion and swoop up the maiden. She desperately longs for it even when she tells you, “It’s okay, we don’t have to do anything, I don’t like Valentine’s Day.” Certainly do not castrate yourself with worst of all comments, “If you want to plan something then I will go.”

Men, step into this with your daughters too. As the most important man she will ever have in her life, make this day incredible. If you don’t some little guy will and his intentions may not be as honorable as yours.

Go with God men, we are on mission,

TJ Greaney

Kids Outdoor Zone

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