One of the best times of each week for me are Saturday afternoons. It begins slow, maybe a picture or two. Then Facebook explodes and my text start going off. Guys are living in the beauty of what God did that day at their KOZ. I can’t tell you how those stories and notes fill my cup. They are doing it! It is working!
I wanted to share a few of the text and emails I got just this week.
Leander, Texas: It was a great time enjoyed by all and the best thing that happened today was when we got back to the Church I got with Anthony and he prayed and asked Jesus into his Heart and crossed the line of Faith today.He had indicated last month on his sit spot prayer card that he wanted me to tell him how to ask Jesus into his Heart,so I met with him today and he was completely ready to make that decision.The prayer cards are very important for our knowing how the Spirit is moving in the lives of the Boys.
Guys,I just want to say Thank You for your service in KOZ.We are responsible for training up these Boys and with our Lord’s help,we are making a difference.I was so excited to see 30 Boys show up today,but I was more excited to look into their eyes as they were so attentive when I did the devotional with them and shared the Gospel with them as we do every month. Don’t ever think that what we do is not important.We have been given the privilege and responsibility of teaching and training up these Boys in the way they need to go to be Godly Men as they grow up.The Boy I spoke of ( Anthony) is one of the Foster Boys that comes every month.There are 6 of those Boys that all live together and they love to come to KOZ every Month.As leaders we need to begin talking up the campout in September.We will have a great time and the Boys will really enjoy it.That’s all for now.Keep the Faith,keep showing up and Good things will continue to happen.
Gettysburg, PA: These are my BOYS!! (see image above)
I love these guys!! They are inseparable and turning into great young men! Last month at Fish Camp the one said can I be a KOZ leader when I’m 19! I saw them walking like this and thought of the movie Stand By Me! One of the boys dad was in tears after church when he saw them sitting together in the service! “That’s why we do what we do!!”
Men, if you are reading this you at some point heard a calling from somewhere to be a part of a ministry like KOZ. What is it you are doing to fill that gap, answer that calling? Was it truly a Word from Jesus?
Let’s talk. You don’t want to wake up tomorrow and wish you had done more for His kingdom and answered His calling.
Godspeed brothers,
TJ Greaney
Founder, KOZ