Because You Matter

As I sat and listened to a local HTL tell me of the victories and battles he and his group have encountered over the last 10 months since they began I was moved to tears over and over. You guys do that to me regularly with your texts and emails, Facebook posts and phone calls. God is using you in mighty ways brothers.

Back in the day when a cowboy worked the cattle, drove them to market, he would have to go days, even weeks sleeping on the ground, enduring rain and cold and heat. If something went wrong or broke, they had to fix it, get it right on the trail. It never was very fancy, it wasn’t glamorous and heck even the pay was never really that good. Driving the trail was long hard work.

But imagine the time on the trail. The wide open spaces, the blue sky as far as you could see and black nights with oceans of stars. The time to think and be with the Maker. The feeling of accomplishment at the end of the trail. It was a man’s work and the feeling of getting it done is something a man longs for, he needs inside to survive.

Think about the three years Christ walked with his HTL’s. Travelling from town to town they did a lot of talking, staring into the sky. Day after day moving off the road to a place where they could build a small fire, cook something, rest. The weather, the un-comforts. Think how those HTL’s felt laying there looking up at the stars and knowing the guys dad who made all of it was laying there with them. Yow.

Brothers I know the trail can be brutal. Issues at work, problems at home, finances, sickness, car problems. Things at your KOZ group seem messed up, HTL’s don’t show, volunteers don’t show, ugg. But I also know that God is right there, sitting by the campfire, working in ways you may not see right now. Did the apostles really get that every pebble they cursed in their sandal was put there in perfect order by the guys Dad walking next to them. I bet not. We honor the cowboy today. The apostles, look what they did. You might not realize what you are doing in KOZ, but it is big. I am humbled by your stepping up. Your willingness to give.

This Christmas I want to remind you to be careful. Yes love on your KOZ boys, but make time for family. Stop and watch the movie Elf with them, go to town and look at the lights, suffer through a night at the mall with your bride, or go because you like it, but go. Be present this year. Make this a journal entry that your family will not forget.

You men are amazing. I wake up every day thinking that. Know you do not stand alone. We pray for you every day. We are here for you. We are huge fans and believe in you. The cowboys didn’t know what was around the corner each day. The apostles, they really did not realize their mission, what they were being trained for until later.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

You are called, Stand Firm, God Bless,

TJ Greaney
Founder, Kids Outdoor Zone

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